Minggu, 27 November 2016

sweet foods

I really liked the food because chocolate is sweet chocolate and a lot of sugar in itChocolate is a food that is very popular among today's society. In fact, many food businesses that rely menu chocolate in every dish that was where to eat hers. This marks the chocolate has its own market share is very large.
On the other hand, chocolate is often considered as foods trigger obesity. When in fact with a reasonable consumption, proper selection of chocolate and offset activities enough, chocolate will not make obesity.
Currently, many variations of flavors of chocolate on the market. Most have added a variety of content such as milk and fruit flavors. Milk chocolate is a type that is commonly found on the market. This type of chocolate is the least processed of nutrients because that eliminates a lot of nutrients in dark chocolate. In addition there is pure chocolate or dark chocolate is reportedly healthier for consumption because they have a lot of nutrients from pure chocolate. This type of chocolate taste more bitter because it contains approximately 43% natural cocoa. Brown is usually sold in the form of bars.
Gynecology And Benefits of Chocolate
Chocolate has been regarded as one of the food or drink that can help health. One compound in chocolate is catechins. Catechins are powerful antioxidants contained in chocolate. One function of antioxidants is to prevent the formation of free radicals in the body that can trigger a variety of serious diseases.
Chocolate consumption also touted to increase feelings of happiness on someone. It is often associated with the content of phenylethylamine, which is an amphetamine-like substance which can increase the uptake of tryptophan into the brain, which then in turn produce dopamine. Impact of dopamine is a sense of fun and triggering improved mood.
For workers who often have to work overtime, the consumption of chocolate can also substitute coffee. This is due to the content of theobromine and caffeine has been known to give effect to those who consume them awake.
For people who want to still have memory and thinking sharp, chocolate consumption is also strongly advised. This is because chocolate contains cocoa flavanols, a type of phytonutrient that helps melancarakan blood flow to the brain.
Brown In Dishes
Chocolate can be processed into a variety of snacks menu. But keep in mind that the use of ingredients that accompany it so that after consumption does not affect your health and weight.
Brown was already a part of my life even though the word vandal or how I still love to eat chocolate because for me it was very tasty

My favorite food is the sweet foods rich in sugar

If to talk about the food I most like the sweet foods are rich in sugar.what any sweet food I certainly I do not like other foods that I liked best was the chocolate until now I tanaketap Like this coklat.tapi eating chocolate is often said to be the food carriers of disease because it can cause our teeth broken but for me it is not affected I've often toothache and my teeth are also almost all of its damaged by always eating sweet food that causes tooth decay and I gradually rusak.tapi akirnya does not give effect to I I would still like chocolate until chocolate is no longer any time unless new manufactured coklat.menurut I will stop eating the food I am not among all chocolate is the most delicious food and ngak there may be other foods that could replace it ........ person another often told me if if chocolate makes people fat but I think it's a myth because of the fact that I had been eating chocolate but my weight stays and I do not sense any gemuk.sebenarnya it just so their children do not eat sweet food because it can damage the teeth and also eat chocolate enthusiasts most it is among children.

a gift from dad

during the announcement of the selection diuntan in spread through newspapers and other I'm very spirit to see whether I pass or not and it turned out I graduated I was very happy because my dad has an appointment with me if I passed he would give a gift to me and I also do not think if my father buy  handpone new to me, I asked my father's father from where can the money to buy me handpone because I know if our financial condition at that time was difficult and so many problems, and my father answered the name of his parents, son will do anything for her important you are happy we did not assess how big it is important for us is happiness we.I  very deeply moved to hear my father talk like that, and I also can not say much about it I was just thinking how I topromise me.I realize the dream of my father to my father if I would use handpone it as good as possible and keeping well.but now handpone it is not until one year has been broken I was very disappointed to see it last Friday when handpone fell and I saw the screen is damaged me directly pick it up and return the way I cry thinking handpone I was very disappointed because handpone a gift from my dad is damaged and in the evening I call my father to apologize but my father did not say anything then my mother told me if you can tomorrow to go home and I no  mind again Saturday morning I went straight home and upon arriving I came with my father was busy wroking  job and My mother went to the paddy can only pause I see all.I attempting braced myself and talk to my father explained how his incident at the time and my mother not long after I came home my father spoke it directly see your mother how hard work and our paddy work only for your happiness but why you do not appreciate what we provide to you why you can not really cry keep from  there I heard my father was so because all this time my father was never angry with me.I directly apologize to his father and My mom has been disappointing because their right.only so many stories of me on my more can not history ....but from this incident I thought to no longer trust it to my friends better I believe in myself and no friend said there was just a friend because the friend would understand what our problems and help find solutions to these problems but it was not there they that I deem best friend turns on when I'm in trouble no sense care.because now that I no longer want my fault occurs again later ....I do not want to blame my friend who dropped my phone again until grudge I realized if I was also wrong but that marred that remain to be fixed.
Sorry friend

hopes and ideals of my future

Good day friends my name is Frida gift from the faculty of Mathematics study program computer system here I'll tell you a little about my expectations going forward laterideals I actually wanted to be a researcher in biology but now that hope had left me and now I want to learn to accept and live and always grateful with what I can now my hope to finish my studies disistem this computer and I can melajutkannya to the next level more education tinggi.sebenarnya I also do not really know what the future I will be because I have not yet be gamabaran kedepanya how because I was more like a part of agriculture-related research is growing-tumbuhan.saya actually there is no intention to go to college but my dad always confident with me if I could survive this computer disistem it makes me too if I had to be determined for the sake of my father I did not want memghancurkan expectations saya.ayah my father and mother had a determination to menguliahkan me so dikehidupan to come I do not become a farmer father always told me to never let us down here we've got hope in you as our children, our future as parents will not ask anything quite see you happy life we ​​will also strongly feel bahagia.saya really wanted to be a researcher I I hope in the future given the opportunity to participate in research in biology beyond the area of ​​the island kalimatan.harapan me very much .........I do not want to talk about my dreams because I think it's useless just a fantasy and ideals that much if we own no effort to achieve it, I learned enough, try, give thanks and pray with what I can right now.I think quite a few thousandths of a story from me today so was pleased to be lived hard lives

Senin, 14 November 2016

Babysitting longing for dad

I really like this song because I think it's very portrait of a father figure how his struggle to educate and try to work hard just to community money to pay for school me.I have one sister who is now married, my sister from childhood was often sick therefore my mother take care of him while I was on a first-class primary school with my father all my life I do and live with my father because my mother was too busy community care my  sister is sick so there was never a time to I.because it to the extent that my time basic third grade I talked my dad is my mother because I was always with my father nagi me she means everything people that most of my life has always taught me to educate me and never complained care of me.I am very proud to have an incredible father figure great I always remember till now the message my father is whatever you do big or small its value must be appreciated and never leave worship every day of the week because community care according to my father god is everything for us if we trust and believe in what we are doing and pray to god for guidance, we shall be given a path to striking everything we wan.in scripture community care according to mentioned that never you fear and trembling even though your faith as a mustard seed only if you're confident with who you do anything else would be nothing impossible mungkin.tidak the world .I hope all parents hope I can realize my father's dream, especially my dad any affection me.I would I do it  sake of my father because the important thing is I could see my father and mother happy and proud of what I can give on their community care do it eventually.mungkin this just my story my message never you make your parents cry because kesahanmu but make them cried to the accomplishments you achieve and give it to them later.

gua maria riamp macan sanggau

goodnight all I want to tell you a little about my holidays to riamp tiger sanggau.I Roman Catholic and as usual for us who are Christians every month of May at October there was his name called maria month in which all people are Catholics go visit kegua maria.to this opportunity I and the entire people  village ngarak that Catholics are planning to go visit cave of maria riamp tiger disanggau a vacation a very happy for me to be able to go there worship together and see the sights of the falls is so great what else in maria it is always raining in my opinion this vacation very happy.however  want to go there darting through so many obstacles due to the rainy season roads intervene in Sanggau is still lacking but development made his journey so long and had to wait plus buses that we use to go on strike in the road, kept there because they jammed streets streets muddy making cars in front of us upside down, causing gridlocked during the five hours that made our trip so long, but thank goodness because our intention is good to go there worship as we can get there safely and at mass together after mass, we went to water plunging to see a close and the return through the suspension bridge that makes people afraid to but development  to water passes but I still want to go through the bridge I think this is very exciting and if there is an opportunity to vacation there I go again with my parents worship together is very exciting for me this place of worship is very beautiful I've ever visited though to go there requires a very long time and create a headache during the trip.so brief story of my vacation a few months ago was very enjoyable and memorable in my life

Memories that I may not forget

My name is Frida Kurnia I was a student my Pontianak diuniversitas Tanjongpura of the faculty of mathematics and natural sciences, I Study program computer.I system is one of the scholarship recipients outreaching, on 7 november I was able to notice from the Comdev outreaching if there will be implemented counseling orientation for new students awardees outreaching and activities will be held for three days from Saturday to Sunday beginning I think the activities held during turns camp activities  for two nights in the halls of BLKI.I originally thought to not participate in this event but my friends are more longed to join this event for that I finally come also from the announcement of the notified we were told to gather in the audit 11pm and goings to use the car but when I came there were no I laugh to myself thinking of a notification telling us we are going to use the car turns in fact we all went on foot to BLKI only our bags were taken to use the car is so ridiculous in my opinion, and on the way to my destination find many new friends from other faculties and storytelling along the way tells of the struggle entered diuniversitas Tanjongpura and became a student Comdev outreaching not feel tired in our trip even though it was so far away I see my friends who made me also a passion to follow activities there we were directed by the committee to gather the field was very hot but with a sense of community that is so incredible that I usually can not participate and are not able to stand for long turns out I could pass him I'm very glad it turned god so good to me so I could afford to participate in activities during the After you have it initially we were directed back to the place we were going to stay and I got nowhere with the code D in one room of eight people two people of the faculty of agriculture of three people from the information system and three more of our computer systems if I very happy to meet them, and on that night we gathered to listen to the delivery of material our activities so survived three days but according to My story is ridiculous we are in the bath toilets provided Only two while the number of our 75 so inevitably we shower outside of the no shower body saliva tired all ngantuk.malam first camp I think want to cry we return activities of Alan 10pm, my friends the other went home and went to sleep while I could not sleep all night because I had a relapse of rheumatic diseases and worse still at 3 am we had been back together for worship and other activities of his follow there raid  handpone and had my friend has been arrested for the information I was with my friend both had reached sore.night I've been able to sleep, but I can get from my friends busy to mask handpone because the rules we follow this activity should not be brought handpone and other valuables but I still took it the reason I took it because I am living home  and a new one-month stay there so I still can not believe the people who were there I Only entrust leptop with my bike it also locks the bike I bring and  just leptop I correct my mother entrusted to properly store the saliva home  because there is no way out but to leave him and I keep my handpone take even though I already know the actual rules are not can.day most memorable is the last day for materials that convey very motivating, Inspiration and many others, for participating in activities and much of the material presented here that I liked and made me aware of the mistake, regret my return from orientation activities I am determined to why all the dreams that I want and hope my parents were so great to I, I promised myself if I have to get through all the trials that exist even though I initially entered the computer system I do not know anything but I will keep trying so that I can I do not want disappointing  my parents I wanted to see my parents happy by the way why my dreams, got GPA high can last so grantee outreaching to graduation, plain English so that by the time I had completed my studies I could get a scholarship to raid bring justcanreachdisappointing continue my school to get a scholarship back to exit the island of Borneo and diuniversitas I wanted and could free vacation by participating in various activities that could lead me achieve my goals I will continue to strive to realize the dream I can to you who are reading my dream was very strange but maybe I will prove it if I can do .pada when I'm affected more than one of my dreams, I was right back raid bring justcanreachdisappointingdocontinue story me.I am sure god will answer my prayer I have faith so great if I would have been superb every there is a will there is a way to remember this world nothing is impossible if we want trying, praying and never complained, afraid to fail.A few of my stories may be useful and can provide inspiration to those who read it

Memories that I may not forget

My name is Frida Kurnia I was a student my Pontianak diuniversitas Tanjongpura of the faculty of mathematics and natural sciences, I Study program komputer.saya system is one of the scholarship recipients outreaching, on 7 november I was able to notice from the Comdev outreaching if there will be implemented counseling orientation for new students awardees outreaching and activities will be held for three days from Saturday to Sunday beginning I think the activities held during turns kegiatanya nginap for two nights in the halls of BLKI.saya originally thought to not participate in this event but my friends are more longed to join this event for that I finally come also from the announcement of the notified we were told to gather in the audit 11pm and goings to use the car but when I came there were no I laugh to myself thinking of a notification telling us we are going to use the car turns in fact we all went on foot to BLKI only our bags were taken to use the car is so ridiculous in my opinion, and on the way to my destination find many new friends from other faculties and storytelling along the way tells of the struggle entered diuniversitas Tanjongpura and became a student Comdev outreaching not feel tired in our trip even though it was so far away I see my friends who made me also a passion to follow kegiatannya.sampai there we were directed by the committee to gather the field was very hot but with a sense of community that is so incredible that I usually can not participate and are not able to stand for long turns out I could pass him I'm very glad it turned god so good to me so I could afford to participate in activities during the After you have it initially we were directed back to the place we were going to stay and I got nowhere with the code D in one room of eight people two people of the faculty of agriculture of three people from the information system and three more of our computer systems if I very happy to meet them, and on that night we gathered to listen to the delivery of material our activities so survived three days but according to My story is ridiculous we are in the bath toilets provided Only two while the number of our 75 so inevitably we shower outside of the no shower body saliva tired all ngantuk.malam first nginap I think want to cry we return kegaiatan of Alan 10pm, my friends the other went home and went to sleep while I could not sleep all night because I had a relapse of rheumatic diseases and worse still at 3 am we had been back together for worship and other activities megikuti her until afternoonnight both of them I've been able to sleep, but I can get from my friends that there rajia handpone and had my friend has been arrested for the information that I was with my friend already busy to mask handpone since the rule took this event, we are not allowed to bring handpone and goods other valuable but I still took it the reason I took it because I am living dikost and a new one-month stay there so I still can not believe the people who were there I Only entrust leptop with my bike it is also key to my bike which I reply bawa.hanya leptop I really trust completely save the mother's saliva kostnya because there is no way out but to leave him and I keep my handpone take even though I already know the actual rules are not boleh.hari most memorable is the last day for materials that convey give motivation, inspiration and much more other, for participating in activities and much of the material presented here that I liked and made me aware of the mistake, regret my return from orientation activities I am determined to memgapai all the dreams that I want and hope my parents were so great to me, I promised myself if I have to get through all the trials that exist even though I initially entered the computer system I do not know anything but I will keep trying so that I can I do not want memgecewakan my parents I wanted to see my parents happy by the way why my dreams, got GPA high can last so grantee outreaching to graduation, plain English so that by the time I had completed my studies I could get a scholarship to melajutkan my school to get a scholarship back to exit the island of Borneo and diuniversitas that I want and be free holiday by attending various activities that could lead me achieve my goals I will continue to strive to realize the dream saya.mungkin to you who are reading my dream was very strange but maybe I will prove it if I can melakukannya.pada when I was striking of one of my dreams, I was right back melajutkan story me.I am sure god will answer my prayer I have faith so great if I would have been superb every there is a will there is a way to remember this world nothing is impossible if we want to try, pray and never complained, afraid to fail.

A few of my stories may be useful and can provide inspiration to those who read it.

Minggu, 06 November 2016

Tenses is a form of the verb in the English language to indicate the time (present, future, or past) the occurrence of an act or event. See also: Sequence of tenses (Some Verb Tense in a circuit) Passive Form on tenses.
simple present tense
(S + V-1)

positif (+)S + Verb-2 (past tense)
S + be(was/were)
The teacher came
I was a stamp collector
negatif (-)S + did + not + bare infinitive
S + be(was/were) + not
The teacher didn’t come
I wasn’t a stamp collector
interogatif (?)Did + S + bare infinitive
be(was/were) + S
Did the teacher come
Was I a stamp collector
simple past tense
past tense to talk about the action that occurs at a specific time duration in the past. Preposition "for" can be used to declare a period of time of incident.
Vina and I went to the Ragunan zoo three months ago.
(Saya dan Vina pergi Ragunan tiga bulan lalu.)
Did he come on time yesterday?
(Apakah dia datang tepat waktu kemarin?)
The party started at 10.00 a.m.
(Pesta mulai jam sepuluh pagi.)
Did you sleep enough last night?
(Apa kamu cukup tidur semalam?)
I studied civil engineering for almost 4 years.
(Saya belajar teknik sipil selama hampir 4 tahun.)

My loyal friend

the first is no bag bag no new handpone komplit.dua this stuff that never miss when I go ... always there
I love bags for every anywhere on the go always take handpone so I had to put my handpone ditas not to fall or broken anything else wet.

The bag is closed containers that can be taken away. The material for making bags include paper, plastic, leather, fabric, and others. Usually used to carry clothes, books, and others. The bag can be carried on the backs of so-called backpack, while the big bag to load clothes called suitcase (from the Dutch word Koffer) .There is also the only bag-shaped box that is usually used by women to bring beauty equipment, usually referred to by its beauty or beauty bag case.

whereas handpone very useful for me because if I forget to bring other items I can contact that person was at home or anyone who can help me if I am in an emergency or memgalami problems on the way to my destination.

Mobile is a bidirectional electronic telecommunication devices that can be taken anywhere and have the ability to send voice messages with mobile phones have many functions at once. Not only as a means of communication but has evolved into a tool with other functions such as entertainment media, business media, and so forth. Now we know the term smartphone or smart phone. The name for the mobile phone that can be used to do many things. Before mobile phones have a function like this, the phone has been a long journey since the start of the main kemunculannyaFungsi of mobile phones is as a means of communication via voice and text messaging (SMS). Furthermore, the phone function is to capture radio broadcasts, television. Also equipped with audio functions, camera, video, gaming, and internet services. Now the mobile phone even has a function similar to a computer device. But at its core is the notion phones as a means of telecommunications so offering its vital function is to communicate both rehabilitated and reconstructed by voice or text message.  

tayan bridge

tayan bridge is a bridge which will cross kapuas river in sanggau,west kalimantan  indonesia.tayan bridge is the longest bridge in borneo and the second in indonesia after the suramadayu bridge in east java.this is a special thing so potentially many local tourists and forelegn  tourist take a nice pictures on this located at sanggau ,sanggau is one of the most scenic towns in borneo this town is the perfect for discovering the amazing dayak culture with tayan bridge we can promote the local cultural to make it more know in the eyes of the world.sometimes a building created by humans as a milestone for a pride a turning point a memory an animator and prestise for the people of west.if we know in west borneo is famors for the tugu katulistiwa or equator monument that build on the zero degree point and the kapuas river the longers river of indonesia.it tums out there is a bridge where"there"desingn similariies with the coathangers bridge that crossed the parramatta river on the city of sydney australia.

dayak culture

goodmorning everyone right now I will give your guys my resume this participant called valque came from senior high school 4 pontianak.

west kalimantan offers a tradisional called naik dango means that storing a bundle of new harvest rice in the granary by each heard of the family,a dayak kanayantn cultural festival celebrated on april as a gratitude towards jubata.it is based on the myte of the origin of the rice.when ne'baruangkng kulup lowers the rice from the sky long time ago humans consume kulat karakng.

 okay everyone I think this is everything I could share with you guys


everything is beautiful

good morning all survived Sunday today I will worship with my sister who was melajutkan sekolah.saya very pleased to be gathered with them as far away from their parents so only those who memjadi my little family here, I am very happy ..... ....
I continue my studies that is why I am away from my parents saya.orang parents always told wherever I go never forget this day for worship and my sister invited me to worship at church, the cathedral is the largest Catholic church dikeuskupan pontianak.
Cathedral Church of Saint Joseph, which has stood since December 9, 1909 is the oldest church in the parish of the Archdiocese of Pontianak. Inevitably, the church building that has been aged more than 100 years this is no longer sufficient to accommodate the number of Catholics is growing in Pontianak. This is evident at every Sunday Mass which although already done as much as 4 times, a number of people who attend do not fit anymore and should be willing to stand up to be able to attend mass.n response to these circumstances, it was decided to rebuild this church so that in the future be able to accommodate more people. Not just the restoration, the sexton plans to replace the building that is truly on the basis that this church has been renovated for 3 times since the stand and the last was 49 years ago did not produce meaningful results. Wooden walls are old and rotten is one of the considerations to do ulang.Akhirnya construction in 2011, the church building began dirobohkan.Ketua construction of churches, Ny. Federika Cornelis claimed initially the organizers are having trouble getting funds to build a church. But over time and could not be separated from the grace of God, even more and more donations from several quarters.The church building was designed by the original architect of West Kalimantan was accompanied by Church Development Assistance Team. The model refers to the classical architecture of the church "Corinten" visible from a spherical dome above the main dome and dome made smaller so-called "Rotunda". The main dome construction purposes using a space frame or a space frame construction is fairly sophisticated in West Kalimantan and first used for building the church. The building which took the gothic style and draw on patron Byzantine times in the 4th century is expected to slightly resemble the splendor of St. Peter's in Vatican City and can be the pride of the community, especially among church Pontianak.Church construction has entered the final stage and was inaugurated on December 19, 2014 by the Governor of West Kalimantan Province, Drs. Cornelis, MH. Building a new cathedral has two floors used for Mass and can accommodate about 3000 people. There is a basement that serves as a parking lot, Plaza Maria, space adoration, and space the ashes are equipped with central air conditioning and elevator. Entering the church, European classical style was immediate. Light peeking out of a large glass with a decorative colorful religious images like the church in Europe. Ornaments nuanced looked dominant and carving Dayak Dayak wall surrounding the building. Interestingly, not all the items in the church was new, and the main door of the church Altar using diamond wood taken from old cathedral pillars of the church in memory of church buildings sebelumnya.Ada also Ruai wooden bird statues diamond in the church yard. In the courtyard stands a statue of St. Joseph's also a giant.Achievement of the church must be grateful together and is an attempt to provide better services to the people in order to more comfortably serve and glorify His name. Church is a place of worship and as a means to explore the religion should be used as well as possible and is expected to directly be a positive influence to the community as well as participating with other people in creating an atmosphere that is safe, serene, peaceful and prosperous, both internally, with churches and other people. The blessing gala will be held on 19 March 2015 bertepat with the Feast of St. Joseph.This church is a church that became a symbol of the Catholic laity pesekutuan kudus.setiap mempuyai the faith and trust will always remember and never forget worship god because god is everything in this life.

up here ya friends of my story may be useful for those who read it..

My sister who is always giving spirit